Friday, June 24, 2011

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episode 59

Yesterday I learned Netflix has every single episode of Power Rangers. Last night I watched my favorite episode of the show (and anything period) "Mighty Morphin Mutants."

It was everything I want from a Power Rangers episode. Evil rangers, Cool Goldar stuff, good fights and hot tunes. Along with Bulk and Skull.

Miss Applebee gives the class a self improvement course. Tommy wants to be less forgetful. Which is a call back to his first run where he was always forgetting his morpher and/or communicator. To cover up they did not have much ZyuRanger footage of Dragon Ranger fighting monsters.

Meanwhile Rita is fed up and decides to take out the Badges of Darkness to turn Putty Patrollers into Mutant Rangers. That's right its Evil Power Rangers.

We get a inspirational training sequence with Goldar training the six selected Putties. I imagine all sorts of Police Academy hijinks occurred. Maybe tricking Goldar into making out with Squat.

The training goes great except for Putty number 6 who Goldar destroys. Proclaiming no one to be worthy of being the red mutant ranger. So they just make a crab monster.

Tommy's memory training is going badly. Him and Kimberly get attacked by the Green and Pink mutants. Are first fight with a badass tune starts. They decide not to morph as the Mutants have the only available suits in American footage.

Tommy and Kim get their asses kicked and report to Zordan. You know Tommy had to phrase the story differently.

"So I had the Green Mutant down and was gonna finish him. Then he threw some dirt in my eye and ran away before I could kick his ass."

Rangers are on edge til Zordan contacts them. They morph and we get our secondf big fight set to to a kick ass rock theme. Its 5-4-1 again. Fight goes badly til Tommy shows up and the Mutant Green returns to fight him. Cool bit was the mutant Green having the Sword of Darkness that Tommy had in the Green with Evil mini series.

I should mention I thought they used some cool camera angles for the fight scenes. They did not do these type of battle royal type fights too often. Usually beinf 5 vs 1 monster.

So the mutants form a mutant blaster and kick the rangers ass. No covering up since Zordan saw the whole sorry situation. He gives them new weapons that look exactly like their old weapons.

They return for one last fight. The tune we get is appropriately "Fight". The Mutants form the Mutant Blaster but the Rangers beat them to the punch firing the Power Blaster and killing Mutant Yellow and Pink. Their poor pseudo female hearts unable to take the strain.

Rita makes the remaining mutants and Commander Crayfish (the previously mentioned Crab monster) grow. Rangers form Megazord and Tommy summons Dragonzord. But the Commander is a brilliant strategist and forms the Tower of Gloom technique by riding the three remaining mutants. Staying above the blasters. I don't know why they can't blast the Mutants instead. Well after getting hit with an energy beam channeled thru mutant green's dragon shield, the Rangers say "fuck this" and summon Titantus and the Ultrazord blasting the Mutant team and their crustaceans leader to paste.

Later Bulk and Skull are dressed as gentlemen as a harpsichord version of their theme plays. Only to have their prank on Miss Applebee backfire. Everyone laughs roll credits stay tuned for Eek the Cat.