1.Student Teacher Week
My all time favorite Bell episode. There is an essay contest to decide which students will be teachers.
Screech and Lisa become the gym teachers.
Kelly the history teacher.
Zack is made principal, because Belding wants to fuck with him.
Slater gets a hair up his butt about Kelly trying to boss him around. So him and the football players skip out on her history test.
Zack gets guilt tripped by Kelly and stops Slater from playing. Leading to a lynch mob trying to kill Zack.
This is my number one because every character was used perfectly. Screech's bits as wannabe gym teacher hit just right.
This episode also has the first true appearance of Ox.
Also Big Pete was given his first real chance to be awesome. He has been an extra since season one. Got his first speaking line in season two and was named in the volleyball episode at the beach club. Best second tier SBTB character. Narrowly edging out Ollie.
2.Check Your Mate
This episode could have easily been number one if not for the tour de force of Big Pete in Student Teacher Week..
Screech and his off again/on again paramour Violet Bickerstaff are very on again. Screech is busting heads on the high school chess circuit.
The second appearance of Valley goons since season 1's prank war. They bet that the Valley student can beat Screech.
Screech is confident until he meets the student. A Russian kid whose uncle is some insanely powerful Chess Player. But Screech regains his confidence thanks to his lucky beret.
One of the Valley guys pimps out his girlfriend to get the beret. Slater and Zack use sweet sweet violence and subterfuge to help Screech. It also lead to some great bits of dialogue.
Slater: Call it a hunch Jesse but I think Screech is going to kick that Commie's butt.
Jesse: Slater in this era of glasnost, you can't say "kick the Commie's butt."
Slater: Sorry Jesse, what I mean't to say was "Kick that Commie's Hiney!!"
Later after the commie reappears.
Jesse: First the Russian was winning, then the Russian was losing, now the Russian is hopping around in his underwear.
3.House Party
This is another episode that just as easily could have been number one.
Screech's parents are leaving him alone for the weekend. His parents are apparently Elvis fanatics. His mom is played by Ruth Buzzie of Laugh In.
According to Dustin Diamond, Micheal Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) was to play his dad.
This was before Seinfeld started, so I could see that.
Zack naturally sees this as a way to throw a big party, but Mama Screech will have none of it. Leaving a bunch of rules. Which I assume was more to keep Zack in line more than Screech.
But they end up still getting in trouble. When the girls crash their quiet evening and accidentally break Screech's Mom's Elvis statue. They find a replacement but it is surprisingly expensive.
Zack tries to help by duping Max Nerdstrom in a card game. But he is Max "Fucking" Nerdstrom, the richest fucking nerd at Bayside. So he cleans them out and wins Screech's dog. Screech reacts reasonably by trying to murder Zack.
This episode also has the first appearance of Herbert. The ultimate in Bayside nerd toadies, and Ollie's boyfriend dujour.
Also Belding played Elvis in a dream.
4. King of the Hill
This is the pilot to the series. That was strangely placed at the end of the first season.
This episode introduces Slater to the gang. Kelly and Jesse have been around all along retroactively.
Zack has decided to finally ask Kelly out. But new guy Slater is determined to get Kelly for himself. Slater in the first season, never seemed to really like Kelly. Like he only liked her to gain dominion over Zack. Whoever has Kelly rules the school.
I should mention here, there is a very short lived show in the mid 80s called "It's Your Move" that starred Jason Bateman as a teenage con artist, who often tangled with Steve Garrison of Married with Children fame. It had the same producers/creators as MWC too.
I think Saved by the Bell owes a lot to this show. Look for it on youtube.
5. Miss Bayside
I had a lot of trouble deciding which episode to select here. It came down to this, The Friendship Business or Snow White and the Seven Dorks.
I picked Miss Bayside on a whim.
This is the episode where Screech won the beauty pageant.*
Jesse has a hair up her ass about the school having a beauty pageant and convinces Kelly not to enter. This leads to Zack and Slater making a bet. Zack says he can make anyone Miss Bayside. Slater in a big dick move (he has a lot of these in season 2) selects Screech.
Zack makes it work just on the freak show element. Until Slater enters and steals the freak thunder.
Slater also convinces Kelly and Jesse to enter. Leading to some very awesome catty arguments, and Kelly nearly punching out Jesse. Also we see Kelly's very inconsistent singing ability. Which varies by the episode.
Eventually Zack helps Screech win by slandering Slater's good name.
*For years I thought every high school had a beauty pagent. Real life sucks.
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it...